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"Dog days can be deadly to dogs," warns celebrated dog trainer Bash Dibra. When the thermometer climbs to nearly 100 degrees, with humidity to match intelligent humans head for the air conditioning. Dogs can't always do that; and yet with a normal temperature of 102 degrees, dogs are far more susceptible to heat prostration than humans. And they're dependent on their human caretakes to protect them.
Says Dibra, "It's important to take steps to ensure that a dog doesn't overheat in hot humid weather." Here are his guidelines for preventing heatstroke, and possible death.
- Don't make your dog run along beside you as you jog, bike or skate. Don't ask your dog to run at all in severe heat. A brisk walk in the cool of early morning or late evening is sufficient exercise. Remember to bring along bottled water and a plastic drinking cup for the animal.
- Don't tie a dog out doors during a heat wave. If it can't remove itself from the sun, it's likely to suffer heat stroke.
- Do be sure the dog has a cool place to retreat to nbsp;under a porch, for example, or the shade of a tree.
- Do hose your dog down if it seems to be overheating. This will lower body temperature quickly.
- Do supply your dog with plenty of water. Dogs perspire through salivation and need plenty of cool water.
- Do supply your dog with plenty of water. Dogs perspire through salivation and need plenty of cool water.
- Don't leave your dog in a non-air conditioned space unless it can get to a "cool spot" (such as bathroom tiles.) If your apartment isn't air conditioned, feed the dog ice cubes to keep its body temperature.
- Never leave your dog in a parked car in intense heat, even with the windows partly open. Your dog wont survive.
Remember: A dog's normally high body temperature makes it an easy target for heat stroke. It's your job to protect your pet!
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